Capacity Europe 2022

Date: 18-20 October 2022

Location: Intercontinental London - The O2

Capacity Europe is the continent's largest telecoms networking conference and awards, which will take place in London & online on 18-20 October 2022. Celebrating its 22nd year, the event unites network operators, data centres, cloud providers, internet exchanges, content providers, satellite communities and more to network, trade and learn.

#CapacityEurope #KeepingTheWorldConnected

Roundtable Breakfast
Session: IP Network Security

Liberty Global and Ciena together will host a roundtable breakfast event on Tuesday 18th October (Day 1), 09:00 - 10:15 BST.

Roundtable: why should Network Security be your first priority on your digital transformation journey?

Today, the internet is vital to the world economy. Although sharing information has always been and still is the fundamental goal of the internet, the rise of routing incidents has shifted the focus toward creating a more secure network. Estimates vary but some predict cyber security is now costing the global economy $6 trillion per year. Is your network or your customers network as secure as it could be?

During this interactive, private breakfast roundtable event inside the Clipper Bar, you will get to hear from and be able to ask questions to experts from Liberty Global and Ciena. We will be answering the compelling questions you want answered.

  • What are the new Internet Security Best Current Practices and Standards, such as MANRS and RPKI?
  • Why are these new standards important for your network security?
  • What are the simple network hygiene steps you need to take to keep your network secure?
  • How important is the size and reputation of your provider when looking to enhance your security strengths and operational efficiency?

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with Liberty Global

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